Accessible Resources for All

Accessible Resources for All

Australia is a multicultural and diverse country. If you come from a culturally diverse background, speak a language that is not English, or have particular needs, you are not alone.

We have a range of resources below relating to My Aged Care and NDIS.

Resources in other languages

Ελληνικά / Greek

Aged Care Resources:
Πώς να κάνετε αίτηση για αξιολόγηση (How to apply for an assessment) 
Πώς να προετοιμαστείτε για την προσωπική σας αξιολόγηση (How to prepare for your assessment)
Η κατανόηση των εξόδων φροντίδας ηλικιωμένων (Understanding aged care costs)
Βοήθεια να έρθετε σε επαφή με το My Aged Care (Προσωπική Φροντίδα Ηλικιωμένων) (Help contacting My Aged Care)
Συνηγορία (Advocacy)
Πώς μπορώ να κάνω παράπονο; (How do I make a complaint?)

For additional resources please visit

NDIS Resources:
Πληροφορίες για την NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)
Ο Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας του NDIS (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
Τρόπος υποβολής παραπόνων (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese

Aged Care Resources:
Cách thức nộp đơn xin được thẩm định (How to apply for an assessment)
Làm thế nào để chuẩn bị cho cuộc thẩm định của quý vị (How to prepare for your assessment)
Hiểu chi phí chăm sóc người cao niên (Understanding aged care costs)
Giúp liên lạc với My Aged Care (Help contacting My Aged Care)
Bênh vực (Advocacy)
Tôi khiếu nại bằng cách nào? (How do I make a complaint?)

For additional resources please visit

NDIS Resources:
Về Ủy ban Chất lượng và Bảo hộ NDIS (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)
Quy tắc Ứng xử NDIS (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
Làm sao để nộp khiếu nại (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

普通话 / Mandarin

Aged Care Resources:
如何申请评估 (How to apply for an assessment)
如何准备参加评估 (How to prepare for your assessment)
了解老年护理费用 (Understanding aged care costs)
联系My Aged Care (Help contacting My Aged Care)
权益宣导 (Advocacy)
如何投诉? (How do I make a complaint?)

For additional resources please visit

NDIS Resources:
关于NDIS 质 量和安全保障 委员会 (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)
全国残障保险计划 (NDIS) 行为准则 (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
如何提出投诉 (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

हिन्दी / Hindi

Aged Care Resources:
आकलन के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें (How to apply for an assessment)
अपने आकलन के लिए तैयारी कैसे करें (How to prepare for your assessment)
वृद्ध देखभाल के शुल्कों के बारे में समझना (Understanding aged care costs)
My Aged Care से संपर्क करने में सहायता (Help contacting My Aged Care)
पक्षसमर्थन (Advocacy)
मैं शिकायत कैसे कर सकता/सकती हूँ? (How do I make a complaint?)

For additional resources please visit

NDIS Resources: 
एनडीआईएस गुणवत्ता और बचाव कमीशन के बारे में (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)
एनडीआईएस आचार सहिता (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
शिकायत कैसे करें (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

Italiano / Italian

Aged Care Resources:
Come richiedere un accertamento (How to apply for an assessment)
Come puoi prepararti per l’accertamento (How to prepare for your assessment)
Capire i costi dell'assistenza agli anziani (Understanding aged care costs)
Assistenza per contattare My Aged Care (Help contacting My Aged Care)
Patrocinio (Advocacy)
Come posso presentare un reclamo? (How do I make a complaint?)

For additional resources please visit

NDIS Resources:
Informazioni sulla Commissione NDIS di qualità e salvaguardia (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)Il Codice di condotta NDIS (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
Come sporgere un reclamo (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

Tagalog / FilipinoTagalog flag

NDIS Resources:
Tungkol sa Quality and Safeguards Commission (Komisyon ng Kalidad at mga Pananggalang) ng NDIS (About the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission)
Ang Code of Conduct (Mga Alituntunin ng Kagandahang Asal) ng NDIS (The NDIS Code of Conduct)
Paano magsagawa ng reklamo (How to make a complaint brochure)

For additional resources please visit

If you need an Interpreter 

We understand there is a lot of information when looking into Aged Care Packages and NDIS and if English is not your first language it can be very difficult.
For people who have difficulty speaking or understanding English can contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National), for the cost of a local call:

  1. Call TIS National on 131 450
  2. Tell the operator the language you speak
  3. For Aged Care: Ask the interpreter to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422
    For NDIS:  Ask the interpreter to call NDIS on 1800 800 110

You may need to wait on the line for the interpreter, or the operator may need to call you back when an interpreter is available.

When you are speaking with the interpreter, they will call My Aged Care/NDIS for you and interpret your conversation.

You can also visit National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) for more translation and interpretation services.

Before you book an Interpreter

When booking an interpreter the following information needs to be provided:

  • the specific language and country of origin
  • name of client needing the interpreter
  • gender and age of the client
  • location, date and time the interpreter is needed
  • type or topic of assignment
  • approximate length of assignment
  • your name and contact number
  • onsite telephone number in case the interpreter needs to call on arrival.


If you are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing, you can access up to 40 hours of free interpreting services each year, through Auslan Connections.

This service is available for people who don’t have access to interpreting services through aged care programs or the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). You don’t need an aged care assessment to access this service.

To make a booking, call 07 3892 8552 or email well in advance to ensure an interpreter is available.


People who have a hearing or speech impairment can contact My Aged Care or NDIS through the National Relay Service in three easy steps:

  1. Visit the National Relay Service website
  2. Select your preferred NRS access point
  3. For Aged Care: Provide the My Aged Care number - 1800 200 422
    For NDIS:  Provide the NDIS number - 1800 800 110

We understand that finding the right care for you or your loved one is an important life decision, so contact us to arrange a personal appointment 

We understand that finding the right care for you or your loved one is an important life decision.